This phenomenal group of photos was sent to me by a young pilot who likes the way flying was done in his Great Grandfather’s Day….flying “Low and slow!” Low and slow pilots have learned to take the time to enjoy the trip. Not unlike old car enthusiasts enjoy getting off the freeway and taking the small country roads.
If you haven’t done it… you haven’t experienced the pure joy and pleasure of flying low and slow with the side window or door open
in a Piper Cub.
Look at these pictures of a trip from Corona, California to the Mississippi River…small farms in the heartland… New England, New Jersey, the Statue of Liberty. A trip where you land every hour or so and take time to talk to the locals…some of whom might wonder who this traveler was that dropped into their back acreage to say hello. to If you have, it will stir up a lot of pleasant memories.
Where you look up and bridges and statues instead of down and usually the autos below you are going faster than you are.
Enjoy the view!
Trip Statistics:
Number of days on the adventure: 32 days
Number of statute miles flown: 6,906 miles (the GPS kept track)
Number of legs: 75 legs
Longest leg: 1 hour, 58 min.
Shortest leg: I’m pretty sure it’s my left leg
Flight time: 104 hours, 14 minutes (the GPS kept track)
Gallons of fuel: 445.49 gallons
Engine mechanical problems: NONE
Airframe mechanical problems: NONE
Total number of photos taken: a bunch!
Long Beach Community Food Drive Kicks Off
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Mayor Bob Foster, Food Finders, Friends of Long Beach Animals and We Love Long Beach are partnering together in this year’s Long Beach Community Food Drive with a goal to collect 100,000 pounds of food.
Barrels will be placed in several locations throughout the city to collect canned or packaged food as well as pet food to help out needy families and pets in Long Beach. Donations will be accepted starting today until Jan. 31, 2011. “Long Beach residents and businesses have always responded generously to our request for donations,” said Mayor Foster. “This year’s food drive goal is to collect 100,000 pounds of food, which would provide three meals a day to approximately 2,547 families for a week.”
Food Finders will collect from locations and then distribute the donated food to more than 100 organizations in Long Beach. “Many families won’t be able to have festive dinners or toys for the kids this year without our help,” said Arlene Mercer, Food Finders executive director. “Once again, we are asking for canned and packaged food as well as pet food. This year, we are also asking for monetary donations to help Food Finders purchase turkeys and hams to be given to Long Beach families.”
Additonally The Friends of Long Beach Animals will be collecting and distributing the donated pet food to owners who are finding it a challenge to provide for themselves and their pets. “It is a tragic reality that some pet owners are forced to consider the relinquishment of their pets due to the lack of household funds needed to properly feed and care for their animals,” said John Gonzales, president of the Friends of Long Beach Animals. “We ask that everyone include a pet food item with their donation. Helping our neighbors and their pets during difficult times will make Long Beach a better place.”
The newest partner in the food drive is the nonprofit We Love Long Beach. “The Long Beach Community Food Drive is the perfect chance for all of us to work together and make a difference in the lives of families and individuals throughout our city,” said Scott Jones, co-founder/director of We Love Long Beach. “We’re once again grateful for the partnership between Food Finders, the Mayor and Friends of Long Beach Animals. One hundred thousand pounds! Let’s do this!”
For a complete list of suggested items and drop-off locations, visit
Additional collection sites will be added in the coming weeks. About Food Finders Food Finders, Inc. is a multi-regional food bank that serves as a conduit between the donors, service agencies and people in need. The non-profit provides food to feed the impoverished and hungry people, and referral services in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. For more information, visit
About Friends of Long Beach Animals Friends of Long Beach Animals is a non-profit organization committed to saving animals’ lives through spay/neuter programs. They are dedicated to responsible pet ownership, education and humane treatment of all animals.
About We Love Long Beach We Love Long Beach is a non-profit 501(c)(3) whose mission is to know and serve the people, the neighborhoods and the city of Long Beach. Through service learning education, neighborhood events, service projects and strategic partnerships, WLLB is fostering active citizenship in the lives of people throughout the city.
Up To Date Election Night Results For Orange County
November 1, 2010 by Wilm
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Orange County uses a central location for tallying votes. All ballots are tabulated in the Registrar of Voters Tally Center located at 1300 S. Grand Ave., Bldg. C, Santa Ana.
The vote counting procedure is open to public viewing. Unofficial results are available throughout the evening of the election in the Registrar of Voters office beginning at approximately 8:05 p.m. and continuing until all precinct ballots have been tallied. Results may also be obtained by calling the Registrar of Voters office at (714) 567-7600 or visiting our web site
When you get to this site you need to click on “Election Results” and then click on “Enhanced Election Night Reporting” that will take you to the November 2, 2010 Election Results – don’t forget to “refresh” every once in awhile to get the updates.
New Star Wars Weapons for Navy, USAF, USA & local police!
October 31, 2010 by Wilm
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Creech AFB recently invited a selected group to a showing of some new UAV technology. Terrorist UAV’s used against Israel, UAVs we’re using now and stuff recently off the drawing board and in production.
Here’s a special treat for our readers courtesy of Seal Beach pilot, Jerry Rootlieb. Photos and commentary of new unmanned weaponry that was shown by Colonel Chris Chambliss, Commander of the 432nd (UAS) Wing at Creech AFB were sent to Jerry by his friend Bud Kiesow.
All of the Air Force’s unmanned drones are now operated from Creech Air Force Base, 45 miles northwest of Las Vegas at Indian Springs. They used to run out of Nellis AFB and now have their own Wing at Creech AFB
Some of his comments:
-“It’s the most deadly remote controlled plane in the world.”
–“Pilots fly it like a teenager playing a video game.”
–“Airmen at Creech AFB can control the Predator drone and the second generation Reaper anywhere in the world.”
Col. Chambliss went on to say “Since at least 2001, Predator’s have been airborne 24/7, primarily over Iraq and Afghanistan. There has never been a time since 2001 when they weren’t in the air.”
The unmanned program is so successful it’s now under the command of the Air Force. “We are going to increase the number of combat air patrols that we fly with it and the number of hours astronomically” Col. Chambliss said. This year the Predator drone will fly 75,000 hours — up 20-percent from last year.
What a different perspective on future combat roles!
Here’s some photos from the present and the future: Flight of the Extreme UAVs – From Smallest to Deadliest
Most Famous
The MQ-1 Predator was an evolution of the earlier Gnat-750. Originally intended purely for reconnaissance, it was later armed with a single Hellfire missile. This combination appears to be extremely effective at precision strikes according to the Department of Defense, which claims a success rate of “nearly 100 percent.” Predators are used by both the Air Force and the CIA.
The MQ-9 Reaper is a scaled-up version of the Predator, larger, faster and more powerful. Reaper was designed from the outset as a hunter- killer. It can carry up to 14 Hellfire missiles or other weapons such as the 500-pound, laser-guided bombs shown. The 432nd Wing of the U.S. Air Force was activated to operate MQ-9 Reaper on May 1, 2007. Photo: U.S.Air Force
Widest Range RQ-4A Global Hawk is the Air Force’s endurance drone, able to cruise at around 400 mph for 35 hours. It has an operational ceiling of 65,000 feet, and from this altitude it can scan an area the size of Illinois (40,000 nautical square miles) in just 24 hours. It is equipped with radar and infrared, as well as optical sensors.
Stealthiest The Joint Unmanned Combat Air System demonstration program, or J-UCAS-D, is intended to be the forerunner of the next generation of stealthy robot-strike aircraft. Its geometry and radar-absorbent materials make it difficult to impossible to spot on radar, as well as making it look “badass.” Operating from aircraft carriers, the UCAS-D could fulfill the Navy’s goal of an aircraft that can carry a payload (such as bombs) of up to 2,000 pounds, plus an extra 2,500 pounds externally when stealth is not required. A typical use would be to send unmanned drones in as a first wave to take out enemy air defenses and clear the way for manned aircraft.
Most Welcome
The CQ-10 Snow Goose is a parafoil-wing UAV for carrying medical equipment or other urgent supplies to Special Forces operating in unfriendly territory. The flexible wings are made of textile, like a parachute. The Snow Goose can be launched from the ground or from the loading ramp of a transport aircraft. Range and payload are inversely proportional; the CQ-10 can carry a 75-pound payload for 200 miles, or 500 pounds for a shorter distance depending on launch altitude and wind speed.
Most Alarming The MIRSAD-1 drone has been flown over Israel by the Lebanese militia group Hezbollah (mirsad means “ambush” in Arabic). It may be armed; Hezbollah has claimed that it can be loaded with a warhead of 40 to 50 kilos (90 to 110 pounds) of explosives, turning it into a flying suicide bomber able to reach anywhere. The Israeli Defense Force shot down two similar drones in 2006.
The Battle hog 150 is intended to meet the Marine Corps requirement for a vertical takeoff drone capable of operating from aircraft carriers. It can fly at over 300 mph with a payload of 500 pounds, with armaments likely to include Hellfire missiles, rocket pods and 7.62-mm mini-guns. The Battle hog series is designed to be as robust as possible, being able to withstand small-arms fire from close range. The drone is steered entirely by moving the two wingtip fans, so there are no vulnerable flight controls. Image: American Dynamics Flight Systems Wingspan
The Killer Bee is part UAV, part missile. It’s intended to be deployed in ‘constellations’ of many vehicles work- ing cooperatively. These swarms can be used for either reconnaissance or for attack with up to 30 pounds of weapons per drone. The Killer Bee is designed so several can be stacked together in the cargo bay of an aircraft or in a truck, maximizing the number that can be carried.
Carrier Copter The MQ-8 Fire Scout made by Northrop Grumman is operated by the U.S. Navy and can make an automated landing on a moving aircraft carrier. Typical missions include surveillance, locating targets and directing fire. There have also been weapons tests with a Firescout armed with 2.75-inch rockets. The U.S. Army has now shown interest in having its own version.Though nine MQ-8 vehicles are in the flight-test stage, the model is not yet operational. The Navy plans to eventually have a fleet of 168. Photo: U.S.Navy
Honeywell MAV, or micro air vehicle, will be an integral part of the U.S. Army’s Future Combat System, giving reconnaissance capability to front-line troops. The small ‘Class I’ version seen here will be back-packable. It has a planned weight of 20 pounds, and is capable of a 50-minute mission spying on locations up to half a mile away. The vertical takeoff and hovering capability make it well-suited to the urban canyons of the modern battlefield.
This is my favorite. Looks almost like a large moth. A most versatile morphing micro air/land vehicle, or MMALV, is a hybrid that can fly, then land, fold up its wings and crawl around buildings or other tight spaces. The MMALV project is lead by Bio Robots, in collaboration with the Biologically Inspired Robotics Laboratory at Case Western Reserve University , the University of Florida and the Naval Postgraduate School . Photo: Richard Bachmann, Bio Robots
The German-made Micro drone is equipped with GPS, a camera and a loud-hailer to give instructions to those on the ground, and is currently being tested by police in the UK . This type of UAV is the one you’re most likely to see hovering around your neighborhood. Its quad-rotor design is intended to make it resilient — Micro drone can return to base with just two rotors. Law-enforcement officials hope the Micro drone can carry out some of the tasks of police helicopters, but at a fraction of the cost.Photo: Micro drones
Originally used for tracking schools of tuna, the Scan Eagle drone is used by the Marine Corps in Iraq , where various versions of the model have flown several thousand hours of missions. It has a stabilized, gimbaled camera turret that can be fitted with either daylight or infrared imagers. No runway is required; instead it is fired aloft by a pneumatic launcher and retrieved by a rope-and-hook arrangement where a crane snags it out of mid-air
IF YOU WANT TO PASS THIS ON TELL YOUR EMAIL FRIENDS TO GO TO <> It will also be available in our archives under October 2010
What have the Democrats been thinking?
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The Democrats are about to get clobbered…we are told by the pundits…and they are probably correct.
1-The “Tea Party” believes, and tells any who will listen, that the Obama Administration has burdened us all with too much debt, created massive unemployment and invested money in large corporations rather than solving unemployment.
2-The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to allow unlimited donations by corporations, unions and wealthy individuals to any political cause. Justice Andrew Kennedy said we need not worry about donators being able to hide their donations because with the advent of Internet “searching” skills….it would be impossible for donators to hide their names.
3-When George W. Bush’s Treasury Secretary . Paul O’Neill objected to new tax cuts and warned Dick Cheney that deficits of ½ a trillion dollars for 2002 he was told “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter.” ( A month later Cheney told O’Neill he was fired.)
The Democrats haven’t told their story to the people …. And so there are even more uninformed voters than usual.
ANSWER #1 – Barack Obama was elected on November 11, 2008 and inaugurated on January 20, 2009. In the three months before he took office over three million Americans lost their jobs-the biggest such loss in history – and Bush signed a bill for ¾ of a trillion dollar bail out in October . A bill that had to be paid by Obama. that arguably saved most of the giants of our financial industry who, also arguably, were directly responsible for the crisis. Losing 3 million jobs in 3 months was a first in our history and not surprisingly a drop like that had so much impetus behind it that unemployment couldn’t be slowed down for another six months.
ANSWER #2 – This year’s election has produced unconscionable amounts of money for political advertising by both Democrats and Republicans.
However, last August, the Republican National Committee had only $5 million in its coffers and was $2mm in debt. The Democrats, also running low, were prematurely ecstatic, thinking their opponents wouldn’t be able to generate the large donations for the last few months of TV ads they normally do. Guess what? The rich Republicans figured out that donations to the RNC meant their names would be made public. But if they made the same donations to 527 and 501 ( c ) (4) organizations, sometimes called “Shadow RNCs” .. run by Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie and Michael Duncan and others, the donors names would not be known. Present estimates are that approximately $400 million is what will be spent by these Republican organizations by November 9. (That figure does not include “regular” donations of about $350million) Seems that Justice Kennedy was incorrect in his predictions of clarity with donations. The money will elect Senators and Representatives who will surely have a debt to the corporations and people who gave the money. Such political systems have existed before in our world…and they weren’t called democracies.
ANSWER #3-When Bill Clinton left office in 2000 there was a $3 trillion surplus. When Barack Obama took office there was a deficit of $1.43 trillion. That’s a swing of $4.5 trillion after two terms of George Bush tax-cuts.
There is tons of empirical evidence that tax cuts don’t improve the middle class. The majority of the Bush cuts helped the wealthiest among us more than the poorest among us. There is also evidence that increasing taxes increases the size of the middle class…as long as the taxes are not designed to pass on to the wealthiest citizens.
Also, Obama was locked into correcting the Mother of all “Recessions” with an almost immediate commitment to another $1 trillion in domestic spending to save American jobs. Additionally nearly $700 million a year was committed to Iraq and Afghanistan. At least we’re out of Bush’s tragic war in Iraq, and scheduled to start leaving Afghanistan next year.
Obama got a medical care bill passed that Republicans had blocked since 1932 and every Democratic President had promised since FDR!
The rest of the industrialized world is amazed at the cost of the U.S. health care system to its citizens. More Americans declared bankruptcy because of health costs in their senior years than for any other cause. (Until the present loan fiasco that was corrected by the financial reform bill.)
Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, not up for reelection, has dedicated the next four years to overturning the new health care plan and making sure the President only serves one term. So much for “hands across the aisle.”
Obama got financial reform passed that would have avoided the terrible recession we are presently experiencing had it been passed during the Bush Administration. Already Republicans are being lobbied to soften the effects of the financial reform. Republican Congressional Leader, John Boehner, who used to pass out checks from big tobacco corporations to Republicans on the house floor, was non-committal when asked if he became Speaker would he disclose what went on in meetings with lobbyists. Of course, Mr. Boehner has received $4.5 million from donors so far this year. Including Googlel, Citigroup, RJ Reynolds.
Seal Beach Pony League Baseball Registration Is Now!
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Baseball and Softball and T-Ball signs up soon. 50% off for military families.
Play begins on February 12, 2011 but registration begins today! Pony Baseball and Softball registration is available online at: until Thursday, January 20.
Skill assessments take place January 22 for Pinto, Mustang and Softball teams.
Which division is the right one for your “slugger”? Well go to:
Ages shown are as of January 1, 2011 for girls and May 1, 2011 for boys.
Boys Baseball
-Mustang Division is ages 9-10 -Pinto Division is ages 7-8
Girls Softball
-10U Division – ages 9-10 -8U Division – ages 7-8
Mixed Boys and Girls
-Shetland Division – ages 5-6 -T-Ball –ages 3-4
Alison Cotter is the volunteer publicity chairperson for Seal Beach Pony Baseball and Softball. She can be reached at
Seal Beach Pony Baseball and Softball registration is now open and available online at until Thursday, January 20. Skill assessments take place January 22 for Pinto, Mustang and Softball teams.
Yet another benefit comes with a walk on the Pier.
October 28, 2010 by Wilm
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Brain’s gray matter doesn’t seem to shrink with this amount of exercise, study finds.Up and down our pier…is about 1/2 mile. So a walk in the a.m. and the afternoon equals a mile. Easy,right?
Seal Beach is a town of walkers…we all know that. And new research says walking about six miles a week appears to protect against brain shrinkage in old age, which in turn helps stem the onset of memory problems and cognitive decline, new research reveals. “We have always been in search of the drug or the magic pill to help treat brain disorders,” noted Kirk I. Erickson, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh and the study’s lead author. “But really what we are after may be, at least partially, even simpler than that. Just by walking regularly, and so maintaining a little bit of moderate physical activity, you can reduce your likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease and [can] spare brain tissue.” A report on the research, which was supported by the U.S. National Institute on Aging, is published online Oct. 13 in Neurology. Erickson and his colleagues began tracking the physical activity and cognitive (or thinking) patterns of nearly 300 adults in 1989. At the start, all participants were in good cognitive health, they averaged 78 years old and about two-thirds were women. The researchers charted how many blocks each person walked in a week. Nine years later, they were given a high-resolution MRI scan to measure brain size. All were deemed to be “cognitively normal.” But four years after that, testing showed that a little more than one-third of the participants had developed mild cognitive impairment or dementia. By correlating cognitive health, brain scans and walking patterns, the research team found that being more physically active appeared to marginally lower the risk for developing cognitive impairment. But more specifically, they concluded that the more someone walks, the more gray matter tissue the person will have a decade or more down the road in regions of the brain — namely the hippocampus, the inferior frontal gyrus and the supplementary motor area — that are central to cognition. And among the more physically active participants who had retained more gray matter a decade out, the chances of developing cognitive impairment were cut in half, the study found. However, the researchers stressed that the relationship between walking and gray matter volume appears to apply only to people who regularly walk relatively long distances that equal about six to nine miles a week. Walking more than the six- to nine-mile range, however, did not have cognitive benefit, the study found. “That’s because the size of our brain regions can only be so large,” Erickson said, adding that the opposite isn’t true. “So with no exercise, there can be significant deterioration and decay with age.” However, he added, “what we often tend to think of as an inevitable component or characteristic of aging — memory decline and brain decay — is clearly not inevitable. There’s plenty of evidence now, and this study is part of that, that shows that we can retain our brain tissue and retain our memories well into late adulthood by maintaining an active and engaged lifestyle.” Dr. Steven V. Pacia, chief of neurology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, described the study’s finding as both “intriguing” and an “undoubtedly positive message to send to the public.” “My first reaction to studies like this is that only in America do we have to prove to people that it’s good to walk,” he said with a chuckle. “But it stands to reason that being active as we age is going to have a beneficial effect on the brain, just as being inactive is going to have a negative impact,” Pacia noted. “Because the brain lives in the environment of the body.” But there may be a catch. “This is just an observational study,” Pacia noted. “And while we may assume that the relationship between the brain and activity is a prevention-of-atrophy issue — just like it is with muscle and bone — this study doesn’t actually prove that. We don’t yet know enough about the use-it-or-lose-it notion with respect to brain and exercise. So we do need more research to look at that.” To find out more go to: |
Mike Bubhe Picks For Council Seats- – 1, 3 and 5
October 28, 2010 by Wilm
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Dear Seal Beach Voter –
Vote for the following candidates to help retain the unique beach town character of Seal Beach:
-Ellery Deaton Old Town, District 1
-Gordon Shanks The Hill, District 3
-Anne Seiffert Leisure World, District 5
Through my work to keep Seal Beach small by limiting Old Town to a two-story height limit, I know that these candidates will keep the village character of Seal Beach. Please vote for them, and remember that mail-in ballots must be received by November 2, this coming Tuesday.
Each candidate must win with 50% of the vote plus one vote.
Be the one vote to put your candidate over the top!
Thank you, Mike Buhbe
“It Ain’t Over yet folks” – – Slide Show Still Scheduled for Marina Center October 27.
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Celebrating 95th Anniversary of The Founding of Seal Beach in October 1915
Michael Dobkins, in charge of the show (and the photos) assured What’s Up that the show will go on as planned on the actual date of the 95th Anniversary on Wednesday evening October 27.
If you’ve enjoyed Michale’s blog, you’ll definitely enjoy this night of rare photos. Stay in touch by going to:
In the meantime Michael says that due to some real life distractions”… we’re behind on posting this week’s images. We’ll be catching up over the next couple day and will continue posting until the end of Founders Day month.”….and that’s all the news from Lake Seal Beach!
The “Quiet General” Strikes Back..and how!
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Lloyd Grove, 23 years with the Washington Post, now writing for The Daily Beast, recently interviewed retired General Hugh Shelton regarding his new book, “Without Hesitation.”
Shelton was the nation’s top military man under Presidents Clinton and Bush and while serving would never criticize (or flatter) any political leader publicly. Well things have changed.
Succinctly the retired general says: John McCain was a “bully with a screw loose”, Al Gore was an arrogant grandstander; and Donald Rumsfeld was a power-mad know-it-all who wouldn’t listen to any military advice.
The 68 year old warrior served 38 years in the U.S.Army and from 1997 to 2001 as the top soldier for Clinton and Bush. He’s a staunch defender of the “Don’t Ask/ Don’t Tell” policy and says its worked for 17 years and it should continue. Regarding McCain he thought it didn’t matter if he got re-elected as a Senator since as part of a group of 100 the damage he could do was limited.
To read the entire article go to:$YB8VNp1SM