Take a Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 2009. Annual Seal Beach Police Association Polar Plunge to Benefit Special Olympics Southern California. The Seal Beach Police Department has long been a fundraising partner with Special Olympics Southern California . This is annual Plunge and we hope to raise $50,000 for Special Olympics athletes! ALL PROCEEDS will be given directly to Special Olympics Southern California. Because of this generous support, Special Olympics Southern California is able to reach out and provide year round training and sports programs for both children and adults with intellectual disabilities throughout Southern California. Brochures can be picked up at the front counter of the Seal Beach Police Department, Seal Beach Pier Police Substation, or at the City of Seal Beach Parks and Recreation Department office.
Beach, Seal Beach, CA
(Just west of the Seal Beach Pier!)
The Seal Beach Police Officers Association has long been a fundraising
partner with Special Olympics Southern California. Our goal is to raise
$50,000 for Special Olympics Southern California Athletes.