Did Rohrabacher go over the top at Chamber Meeting in Seal Beach?

April 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Editorial, Local News

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher spoke at last week’s Chamber of Commerce meeting in O’Malley’s before over 100 members and guests.

Included in the group that heard the Congressman was Mayor Sloan and Councilmembers Levit and Antos. Congressman Rohrbacher agreed to try to include a Seal Beach Chamber meeting on his list of annual stops.

The Congressman’s speech was a little confusing to some.  He took the usual expected shots at President Obama … and then going over the top, as some said,  and called him a “Marxist” instead of just the usual  socialist babble.  To read the entire story click here.

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One Response to “Did Rohrabacher go over the top at Chamber Meeting in Seal Beach?”

  1. Carla Watson on April 11th, 2010 5:49 pm

    Thanks for your report on DR at the Chamber of Commerce meeting. I thought
    this was supposed to be a non partisan group. I would hope that the CC would
    have another person come to rebut Mr. R’s ridiculous comments. President
    Obama is supposed to solve the eight year financial fiasco legacy of the Bush/Rohrbacher terms in one year ? Sorry that dog won’t hunt, Dana.

    And thanks, Dana for adding your shrill voice to the other right wingers who
    malign our very dignified, bright and hard working President.